Simone Puglia

SAR Engineer | Electronic Engineer


I'm a electronic engineer, currently working as Search And Rescue Engineer supporting the Galileo activities in the ESA site in the Netherlands. My experience in the aerospace field start more than six years ago with Thales Alenia Space in Torino (italy).



Electronic System Engineering
Polytechnic of Turin
Master's Degree in Electronic Engineering.


Electronic Engineering
Polytechnic of Turin
Bachelor Degree in Electronic Engineering.



Galileo SAR Engineer
Thales Alenia Space

SAR Engineer in the Galileo System Engineering Technical Assistance (SETA) team, responsible for the definition and the coordination of system validation test campaigns, SAR/Galileo performance verification and to support ESA in the engineering activities for Search and Rescue and MEOSAR architecture evolution.
In this role, I have achieved a deep knowledge of SAR Forward and Return Link infrastructure and cooperatewithseveralparties(e.g.Cospas-Sarsat,GSAandtheEuropeanCommission) involvedinthe SAR system and segment.

2018 - CURRENT

BepiColombo AIT Engineer
Thales Alenia Space

Functional Test Engineer in charge for the Platform and Data Management System (DMS) related electrical integration and functional verification of BepiColombo MPO (Mercury Planetary Orbiter) and MTM (Mercury Transfer Module).

2016 - 2018

Exomars 2016 EGSE/Functional Test Engineer
Thales Alenia Space

EGSE (Electrical Ground Support Equipment) and Data Handling Functional Test Engineer responsible for ExoMars project (On Board Computer data management, science and optical payloads functional verification).

2013 - 2016

Orion MPCV EGSE Engineer
Thales Alenia Space

I actively contributed to the MPCV (Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle) project for the definition of requirements and specifications for Thermal Control Subsystem EGSE suppliers. I was in charge to reflect the engineering TCS architecture of the vehicle in the ground support equipment used for testing the subsystem as part of the avionic test bench.

2013 - 2016


Problem Solving


Strategic Planning

System Validation

Equipment Procurement

Algorithms and Programming



Leiden, The Netherlands.

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